  • 我的观影记录

天行健 -14


 《Tianxingjian》 introduce

In the late Qing Dynasty, there was social unrest, and in the deep palace, the treasure map hidden in the Pure Altar of the Wenyuan Pavilion was stolen. In order to compete for this almost earth changing treasure, various forces were eager to move forward. And the three swords (played by Qin Junjie) who were once appointed by the Imperial Guard with swords were also dispatched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to retrieve the treasure map and uncover the forces behind it. At this time, in Dagu County, Tianjin, a sudden homicide occurred at an inn, and nine people who had returned from Japan did not survive, with tragic deaths. Wang Dibao (played by Pang Hanchen), the county magistrate who abandoned his pen and joined the military due to the abolition of the imperial examination, rushed to the scene. With a wealth of knowledge, he judged on the spot that the crime was committed by a member of the Rongtian Ridge sect in the Lengxi area through the wounds of the deceased and the methods of committing the crime. In order to apprehend the murderer and bring him to justice, Wang Dibao disregarded the county magistrate's opposition and pursued him alone. On the other hand, the leader of Rongtian Ridge, Zhuo Bufan (played by Liu Yuning), has just received a report from his subordinates that nine people have been killed, and he has obtained the contact information. Originally, the location of the treasure trove in the Pure Altar was a secret that the court had been exploring for many years, but recently, Prince Qi of the court (played by Liu Peiqi) received news that the secret to opening the treasure was in the hands of Tan Xian (played by Zong Fengyan). Prince Qi is dedicated to promoting change and requires a large amount of financial turnover; Zhuo Bufan, in order to shine on the sect and inherit martial arts, established a grand altar in the Central Plains, and also needed gold and silver to lay the foundation and obtain support from the court; Therefore, the two of them, each with their own goals, hit it off and decided to join forces to win the treasure! Zhuo Bufan, who was eager to revive the sect, immediately rushed to Shanghai to search for Tan Xian based on intelligence; Men San Dao, who was loyal to the court, quickly concluded the case through reasoning and targeted Zhuo Bufan, heading to Shanghai to retrieve the treasure map; Wang Dibao, who was diligent and responsible, also rushed thousands of miles to hunt down the culprit. The three of them each set out on a journey of ten miles with simple yet firm goals, unaware that from this moment on, they were forced into a magnificent historical tide.

 《浮世薈》 繁體簡介

晚清末年,社會動盪,深宮之中,文淵閣裏淨壇密藏寶圖失竊,為爭奪這份幾乎能改天換地的寶藏,各方勢力蠢蠢欲動。 而曾接的禦前帶刀侍衛門三刀(秦俊傑飾),也被內務府派遣,尋回寶圖,並揪出背後勢力。 此時,天津大沽縣內,一家客棧突發命案,從日本回來的九人無一生還,死狀慘烈。 因廢除科舉而棄筆從戎的縣衙捕快王地保(龐瀚辰飾)趕到現場,學識豐厚的他通過死者傷痕和作案手法,當場便判斷出此案乃是棱西一帶融天嶺門人犯下,為了將兇手緝拿歸案,王地保不顧縣衙反對獨自追凶。 另一邊,融天嶺掌門人卓不凡(劉宇寧飾)剛收到手下來報——九人已殺,接頭資訊拿到手。 原來,淨壇密藏所在之處是多年來朝廷探而不得的秘密,而最近當朝祺親王(劉佩琦飾)得到消息,打開寶藏的秘密就掌握在譚先(宗峰岩飾)手中。 祺親王一心推行變革,需大筆錢財周轉; 而卓不凡為光耀門派,傳承武學,在中原設立總壇,也需金銀奠基,並獲得朝廷支持; 故而,各懷目的的二人一拍即合,决定聯手奪寶! 急於復興門派的卓不凡根據情報馬上趕往上海尋找譚先; 忠於朝廷的門三刀很快也通過推理斷案,將目標鎖定卓不凡,去往上海追回藏寶圖; 盡職盡責的王地保為緝拿兇手,也奔赴千里追凶。 三人各懷簡單卻堅定的目標踏足十裡洋場,卻不知道,此刻開始,他們便被迫捲入一場恢弘的歷史浪潮中。


公元 2025年,由  白一骢 等老师负责剧本编写, 楼健,卫立洲导演负责制作, 秦俊杰,刘宇宁,黄梦莹,尹正,黄海冰,何中华,庞瀚辰,傅菁,陈天明,陈思澈,黄昊月,陶珞依,李立群,刘佩琦,范明,洪剑涛,姜超,王磊,孔连顺,乔振宇 等明星实力参演的 国产剧《天行健》, 此影片于2024-05-08上映, 更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮在线观看!网飞TV祝您观影愉快!

网飞TV影视于 2024-05-08 20:20:19整理收录此片,并在 2024-08-26 23:47:30再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《天行健》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:天行健天行健在线观看天行健免费观看天行健百度云天行健下载 等。



  • 1、请问电影《天行健》什么时候上映?

    网飞TV 影迷: 电影《天行健》于2025年在中国上映 ,具体的上映日期为2024-05-08。

  • 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《天行健》?

    奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《天行健》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看天行健免费网址:https://www.wangfei.tv/voddetail/427330.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】

  • 3、请问《天行健》什么类型的电影?

    时代TV 网友:《天行健》是2025年中国制作的剧情,爱情类电影。

  • 4、请问谁有《天行健》高清无删减版资源

    美团电影 网友:网飞TV提供《天行健》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站高清无广告!截止到2024-08-26 23:47:30,网飞TV提供的《天行健》已经更新到 已完结 画质。

  • 5、电影《天行健》演员都有哪些?

    哈哈影视 网友:天行健有以下主演:秦俊杰,刘宇宁,黄梦莹,尹正,黄海冰,何中华,庞瀚辰,傅菁,陈天明,陈思澈,黄昊月,陶珞依,李立群,刘佩琦,范明,洪剑涛,姜超,王磊,孔连顺,乔振宇

  • 6、电影《天行健》评价怎么样?


  • 7、电影《天行健》Neflix影评

    Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《天行健》还不错的, 楼健,卫立洲导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 秦俊杰,刘宇宁,黄梦莹,尹正,黄海冰,何中华,庞瀚辰,傅菁,陈天明,陈思澈,黄昊月,陶珞依,李立群,刘佩琦,范明,洪剑涛,姜超,王磊,孔连顺,乔振宇等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。



